Susan Kooi

by , under Projects

I don’t want any past
Only want things which cannot last
15.02.2015 – 14.03.2015

Since the last time Apice worked with Susan Kooi (1988, NL), her fascination with the origins of life and the development of humans in particular is rooted in the position of mediating between two realities – the physical world of the here and now and the mental perception of the past or the future. For her new presentation, which opens on the 15th of February, Susan Kooi is looking for the moments when physical objects start relating to the complex way of being human. At 17 hrs. she will give a public reading on her latest work, a series of texts which will be published in the near future (Perro Verlag, Vancouver).

As for now, a sneak preview.


Once we thought you were a dragon,

A pink phoenix,

An antediluvian flamingo.

However, as time also flies,

More likely it seems

You are a fossil of some kind

Susan Kooi, reading performance, 10 min. approx., 15 February 2015

Susan Kooi, reading performance, 10 min. approx., 15 February 2015

Susan Kooi, Fossils, opening

Susan Kooi, Fossils, installation view, February 2015

Susan Kooi, Fossils, 2014, video, 1’44 min, still

photography: Konstantin Guz

works made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund